ERC Survey Company NameContact Person / PositionPhoneEmail Organizations Entity Type:Sole proprietorPartnershipS-CorpC-CorpIs this entity a 501(c)(3)?YesNoNumber of owners/partners:123456List Names of Owners / PartnersNumber of Full-time employees or FTE employees in 2019:Number of Part-time employees:Number of ministerial staff on payroll:List names of ministerial staff on payroll:Number of owner’s relatives on payroll:12345678910Does an owner of the company have ownership in another company with employees?YesNoList entities, percentage of ownership, # of employeesDid your organization experience a drop in gross receipts in one or more of the following quarters in 2020 or 2021 as compared to the same quarter in 2019? Check all that apply: Q2 2020 Q3 2020 Q4 2020 Q1 2021 Q2 2021 Q3 2021 No We will need a quarterly profit/loss statement that contains gross revenue by quarter beginning with 3/31/19 through 9/30/21. We do not need the revenue amounts if your CPA/accountant/bookkeeper, etc. states they have reviewed and qualified you for those quarters.Describe how your organization has been affected by a government-mandated shutdown during COVID in 2020 and/or 2021. We need to know if your industry/organization sustained a full or partial suspension of operations limiting commerce, travel or group meetings due to COVID-19 and orders from an appropriate governmental authority.Were daily operations disrupted, or suspended due to COVID? Yes No Did you have remote employees, or remote training, due to covid? Yes No Were your facilities closed, hours reduced, or patrons limited? Yes No Were schools or childcare closed or limited for your employees? Yes No Did you cancel, or limit, in-person meetings, conferences, or services? Yes No Was your organization impacted by staff shortages? Yes No Did your organization qualify in the third or fourth quarters of 2021 as a recovery startup business? Yes No Learn more here.Did your organization receive forgiveness for a PPP and/or PPP2 loan(s)?YesNoPlease list the covered period(s), amount(s), amount(s) used toward wages for forgiveness of your loan(s):Did your company receive WOTC credits for 2020 or 2021?YesNoPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Local Areas That We Offer Our Payroll Services To  Raleigh, NC  Charlotte, NC  Greensboro, NC  Chapel Hill, NC  Cary, NC  Wilmington, NC